Common Types Of Medical Malpractice In Nursing Homes

As we get older, our medical needs start to change. Long-term care facilities such as nursing homes have a legal obligation to meet the healthcare needs of individuals suffering from a medical condition, but who do not need hospitalization. Sadly, nursing homes do not always meet the proper standard of care. That is, they act negligently. When they do, people become seriously hurt. Medical malpractice does happen in nursing homes, injuring the most vulnerable sector of our society. Below, our Knoxville nursing home malpractice attorney examines the most common types of medical malpractice that occurs in nursing homes.
Medication Errors
Medication errors are some of the most common forms of malpractice that occur in nursing homes. Nursing home residents often need multiple different medications every day and even a small mistake could have devastating results. Medication errors include giving the wrong medicine to a patient, administering multiple medications that negatively interact with each other, as well as overdoses and under-doses.
Medication errors can result in a number of injuries. For example, if two drugs are mixed when they should not have been, it can cause confusion and result in an elderly person falling and sustaining serious injuries. For this reason, any time a nursing home resident has unexplained injuries, medication errors should be considered.
Missed Diagnoses
Failing to diagnose a medical condition is a type of malpractice that can cause nursing home residents a significant amount of unnecessary pain and suffering. Sometimes, the suffering can continue for a number of months, or even years. Once a condition is finally correctly diagnosed, it may result in substantial medical treatment that would not have been necessary if the condition was initially correctly diagnosed. Some of the most commonly misdiagnosed conditions in nursing homes include:
- Multiple types of cancers
- Broken or cracked bones
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Tuberculosis
- Pneumonia
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Celiac disease
- Stroke
- Heart disease
Unnecessary Use of Restraints
Restraints are not always physical. Medication is also often used to sedate patients. While there are times when this is necessary, nursing home staff members, nurses, and doctors often use them to subdue difficult patients, or to ease the workload of nursing home staff. When medical restraints are used in this manner, it is medical malpractice and the nursing home can be held responsible for paying damages that result from it.
Our Nursing Home Malpractice Attorney in Knoxville Can Assist with Your Case
If you have a loved one in a nursing home and you believe they have been the victim of medical malpractice, you need sound legal advice. At Reynolds, Atkins, Brezina & Stewart, PLLC, our Knoxville nursing home malpractice attorney can provide it and has the necessary resources to give you the best chance of success with your case. Our seasoned attorney works closely with an MD/JD who can advise on both the legal and medical aspects of your case so you can make the best informed decisions. Call us now at 865-500-3121 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.