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Knoxville Dehydration Attorney

Every person needs to take in more water than they lose through exercise, sweating, or urination. When they don’t, they can become dehydrated and various complications ensue.

Although a problem for any person, dehydration is a critical problem for the elderly, who are more vulnerable to complications. Many of our loved ones suffering from dementia or a serious illness cannot hydrate themselves, and even relatively healthy nursing home residents are reliant on other people to provide beverages.

If you suspect a loved one is not being hydrated properly, contact Reynolds, Atkins, Brezina & Stewart, PLLC now. Our Knoxville nursing home dehydration attorney regularly sues nursing homes for abuse and neglect and can assist in your case.

Signs a Loved One is Dehydrated

Initially, dehydration shows no symptoms. You might visit a loved one and not notice anything different. However, if you see any of the following warning signs, you should speak to staff immediately:

  • Dry mouth or cracked lips
  • Pronounced thirst
  • Confusion
  • Circles under the eyes
  • Moodiness
  • Dark urine
  • No need to urinate

If a loved one tells you they are thirsty or asks for a drink, immediately get one. Also question them to see how often they are being hydrated.

Complications from Dehydration

Fluids are necessary for life. Without adequate hydration, the body cannot clear toxins and organs cannot function properly. Some serious complications of dehydration include:

  • Fever
  • Lack of consciousness
  • Seizures
  • Low blood pressure
  • Kidney failure
  • Kidney stones

If the dehydration is not immediately addressed, problems will only worsen until your loved one dies.

Dehydration is a Serious Problem in Nursing Homes

According to recent research, up to 28% of all senior citizens suffer from dehydration. This isn’t entirely surprising. Hydration needs change with age, but some people do not increase their water intake, instead sticking to habits formed when they were younger.

But nursing homes with trained medical staff should know that elderly residents need more water than younger people. Accordingly, they should regularly monitor their residents and take immediate action if they suspect a ward is becoming dehydrated.

Unfortunately, dehydration is an even bigger risk in nursing homes. One study found that almost 70% of nursing home residents were either dehydrated or at imminent risk of suffering from dehydration. That number is unacceptably high.

Some contributing factors of nursing home dehydration include:

  • Medications which act as diuretics, causing a resident to need above-normal amounts of water
  • Overwhelmed staff who ignore pleas for water
  • Abusive staff who punished residents by withholding water
  • Disorganized nursing homes which do not track water intake

When abuse or neglect are contributing factors, a resident has a legal cause of action against the nursing home. We encourage anyone who suspects a loved one is dehydrated to reach out to an attorney immediately.

Legal Help is Available

Our legal team can request that a resident be transferred, if necessary. We can also report neglect or abuse to the state. If one resident is becoming dehydrated, then odds are high that other residents are suffering from the same condition.

Contact Reynolds, Atkins, Brezina & Stewart, PLLC today. Our experienced nursing home injury attorney in Knoxville can pursue a legal claim against the nursing home or its staff. We provide a free case evaluation to help you decide whether we are the right firm for you.

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